Power Tools 1993 November - Disc 1
Power Tools Plus (Disc 1 of 2)(November 1993)(HP).iso
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Introducing the Desktop Environment that's "Ready-to-Wear"
How Do You Manage Change and Complexity without Losing Focus?
The focus of today's corporate leaders is on creating faster-moving,
more competitive companies-a challenge that relies heavily on
information technology (IT) professionals to deploy technologies quickly
and effectively in support of urgent business goals. With diverse
technologies come many challenges, especially with respect to system and
network configuration and application integration across end-user
desktop environments. This demands the tactical but necessary work of:
o designing environments to meet users' requirements for familiarity
and ease of use
o configuring networks
o supporting, upgrading, and enhancing applications
o training and retraining users with each system change.
And as the pace of technology quickens, the tasks of technology tracking
and integration become more numerous, time-consuming, and complex.
With Ready-to-Wear the Desktop Will Come To Order
Hewlett-Packard has taken its vast information systems expertise and
packaged it in an integrated environment that lets IT staff develop,
deploy, and maintain desktop systems at minimal effort and cost.
The Ready-to-Wear (RTW) Environment is the first software environment
that simplifies the configuration, organization, appearance, and usage
of applications and tools that until now existed in separate worlds.
With the software support and facilities embodied in this environment,
IT staff can effectively outsource the tactical work of desktop
integration and focus resources on core business functions.
How RTW Works
The RTW Environment presets system and network configurations,
accommodates a client/ server architecture, joins and surrounds system
components with a common graphical user interface, and establishes
policies and procedures for application integration now and in the
The RTW Environment is complemented by an integration toolkit that
steps IT staff through the process of integrating applications into the
RTW Environment. Since this requires no changes to program binaries, no
special expertise or software versions are required.
Application preloading and customized integration support are also
available through HP services for those who desire additional tailoring
of the desktop system.
The result is a desktop solution that provides the benefits of the
best information technologies while shielding users and IT staff from
their complexities. The RTW Environment also provides investment
protection in the desktop environment by tracking and incorporating new
capabilities as they become appropriate.
How RTW Benefits the Corporation
Reduces staff time and specialization
As software technologies propagate and become more capable, they also
become more complicated. This demands increasing time and knowledge on
the part of IT staff to stay current on new technologies, master complex
configuration settings, and develop and maintain choices that achieve
consistent, maintainable behavior.
HP draws on its expertise in a wide variety of technologies, and
creates the integration guidelines and presets the functionality to
automate the creation of an end-user environment. For example, it
establishes a recommended client/server architecture, an effort that
would otherwise consume sizeable staff resources. At the same time, the
RTW setup gives IT staff central control of application and data files,
simplifying the administration of distributed resources in the
client/server environment.
Finally, because HP understands that supporting strategic business
goals is the IT organization's first priority, the RTW Environment
requires little in the way of administrative support, system resources,
or financial commitment. Instead, it significantly reduces the time and
money that would usually be spent to create a fully integrated end-user
desktop environment.
Enhances productivity of IT's customers
Ready-to-Wear enables the IT organization to better serve end-users, by
allowing easy access to different computing worlds through one mouse-
driven interaction model. Users quickly feel at home with RTW's familiar
graphical interface and they become immediately productive after taking
the online interactive RTW tour. Subsequent training and support is
minimal, because there is no need to learn an underlying operating
system or to relearn the environment when new technology layers are
Offers an extensible, self-sustaining solution
Ready-to-Wear comes with the assurances every IT organization needs-of
buying into an ongoing product line that will track changes in
technologies, and of being supported by a quality-conscious
The RTW Environment is designed with today's stable technologies and
anticipates the inclusion of emerging technologies. For example, aspects
of object-based technology are incorporated today, providing associated
benefits to end-users.
HP also recognizes the importance of multivendor environments and
embraces freedom of operating system and desktop hardware choice. The
RTW Environment is built on open systems and will be compatible with the
Common Desktop Environment, a cose (Common Open Software Environment)
RTW Integrated Environment
o Enables IT staff to bring new systems online faster with
preconfigured system and networking options.
o Allows IT centralized, coordinated administration and control
through established policies for system, network, and client/
server configuration.
o Provides users a single, integrated desktop by enabling
coexistence of diverse applications and tools.
o Creates familiarity and minimizes training needs with a
graphical interface that hides system complexity with
consistent, mouse-oriented interactions.
[Figure, p.5 (Photo-screen shot) Caption: RTW leads the way toward easy
to use, easy to maintain desktop environments, a key to managing today's
changing enterprise.]
Integrates diverse components
In large enterprises, end-user environments are composed of numerous
tools and facilities, including personal and professional applications
acquired from third-party suppliers and developed in-house. The RTW
Environ-ment institutes consistency across this diverse set of desktop
components by organizing their locations on the visual desktop and
creating standard means for initiating tasks and accessing and acting on
Applications made to fit into the RTW Environment share the same
graphical user interface and usage model, conform to standard
installation and deinstallation guidelines, and operate within common
file and system structures-yet they remain customized for their specific
The HP Ready-to-Wear Environ-ment combines this wide range of
capabilities to provide significant value across the corporation-and is
designed to meet the changing needs of competitive enterprises.
The Ready-to-Wear Solution to Today's Business Challenges
Today's business professional requires a highly capable desktop system
in order to be most productive. And today's corporation demands the
allocation of all available resources to those tasks that further its
competitive differentiation in the market. The RTW Environment provides
a solution for both mandates, enabling an IT staff to create and manage
a powerful, intuitive desktop environment while dedicating minimal time
and effort.
The best way to see how the RTW Environment fits your needs is to try
it on. For more information or to arrange a viewing, contact any of our
worldwide sales offices.
For more information, contact any of our worldwide sales offices or HP
Channel Partners (In the U.S., call 1-800-637-7740; in Canada, call 1-
Copyright (c) Hewlett-Packard Co., 1993
Printed in U.S.A. 9/93